Community Conversations

2025 Info Sessions and Grant Programs

Community Grant Program Info Sessions 2025

We invite you to meet the Santa Barbara Foundation’s Programs Department staff and learn about our 2025 nonprofit support and grant programs! All in-person sessions are sold out, but the virtual session is available for sign up!

Info sessions will cover grants and nonprofit training opportunities, strategic programs, and other beneficial resources. We encourage you to RSVP and join our virtual info session!

In-person Sessions

January 28th, Santa Maria, 10-11:30 am – SOLD OUT
January 29th, Santa Barbara, 10- 11:30 am – SOLD OUT
February 4th, Lompoc, 10- 11:30 am – SOLD OUT

Virtual Session

February 6th, 10-11:30 am- OPEN
Register for the virtual session here


The Santa Barbara Foundation Announces Grant Cycles Opening in 2025

Our grants are designed to support the needs and requests of nonprofits in our community, helping to create meaningful, sustainable improvements across Santa Barbara County. Backed by the Foundation’s endowment and generous donors, grants are awarded through a thoughtful and rigorous process that includes research, planning, and input from community volunteers with diverse expertise.

Grantmaking is one direct way we support initiatives put forth by nonprofits, helping them transform innovative ideas into actionable solutions that benefit the community. By fostering collaboration among business leaders, government representatives, nonprofit organizations, residents, and donors, the Foundation creates opportunities to work toward shared goals.

2025 Grant Programs

Small Capacity Building Grant Program

The Small Capacity Building Grant Program awards are aimed at strengthening the organizational capacity and programmatic effectiveness of nonprofit organizations serving communities within Santa Barbara County. An organization may apply once per calendar year.

Grant amounts up to $6,000
Deadlines: February 11, May 13, July 15, September 9
Contact: Maria Caudillo

Towbes Fund for Performing Arts

The Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts seeks to invest in, nurture, and grow the arts sector by offering support for performances of a higher caliber. Grants will be available to nonprofit organizations seeking to further their mission of providing quality performing art opportunities.

Grant amounts up to $15,000
Spring Application Opens: February 7
Spring Deadline: March 14

Fall Application Opens: September 5
Fall Deadline: October 10
Contact: Deanna Vallejo

William & Lottie Daniel Child Care Scholarship

William and Lottie Daniel Fund Child Care Scholarships are available to nonprofit organizations that provide quality childcare for working families. The funds applied for may be used to subsidize childcare program fees/costs for current Santa Barbara County residents.

Grant amounts up to $50,000
Application Opens: April 1
Deadline: April 30
Contact: Beatriz García

Youth Mental Health Recruit, Retain, Rest, & Recuperation (4R) Fund

Established by Carrie Towbes and the Santa Barbara Foundation, the 4R Fund aims to improve behavioral healthcare for children, youth, and their families and caregivers by supporting mental health professionals and the organizations they work for.

Grant amounts up to $10,000
Application Opens: May 1
Deadline: May 29
Contact: Jenny Kearns

Conservation, Environment and Public Trails Grant Program

The Conservation, Environment and Public Trails Grant Program supports environmental sustainability, land conservation, habitat restoration, public trails, and ecosystem health across Santa Barbara County.

Grant amounts up to $25,000
Application Opens: July 10
Deadline: August 7
Contact: Jenny Kearns

Tri-Counties Blood Bank Grant

Blood Research and Education Grants, offered through the Tri-Counties Blood Bank Fund, are available to support blood and blood-related products and services.

Grant amounts up to: TBD depending on request
Application Opens: August 1
Deadline: August 29
Contact: Deanna Vallejo

Child Care Grant

The Santa Barbara Foundation offers Child Care grants to increase capacity among nonprofit child care providers in Santa Barbara County to meet the critical needs of young children and set the stage for lifelong learning success. This year’s grant will also focus on supporting providers with leadership and professional development, family engagement, and strategies that promote equitable access to quality child care. Grants will be awarded to nonprofit childcare providers serving children 0-5 years of age.

Grant amounts up to $15,000
Application opens: August 19
Deadline: September 17
Contact: Beatriz García

Senior Programs of Santa Barbara Grant

The Senior Programs of Santa Barbara Committee Advised Fund Program Grants are available to support programs and projects directed to the welfare of senior citizens in the cities of Santa Barbara, Goleta and Carpinteria. Grants cannot be used for overhead, salaries, capital or building funds.

Grant amounts up to: $15,000.
Application Opens: October 16
Deadline: December 16
Contact: Jessica Sanchez

Milton Brown Express Grants

Milton Brown Express Grants offer a limited number of one-per-year grants (up to $1,000) to organizations dedicated to enhancing the welfare of senior citizens. The program prioritizes small projects, short-term opportunities, and sponsorships, allowing for a wide range of impactful activities.

No Application Deadline
Award Dates: Grant decisions will be made within eight weeks from request.
Contact: Jessica Sanchez