Santa Barbara County is facing a housing affordability crisis. It is the fifth least affordable County in the Country, and families across a wide band of income levels are struggling to afford their rent. A household of three earning under $112,000 per year is considered “low-income” in Santa Barbara County. More affordable housing options are needed for everyone in our community.
In response, SBF convened a 40-person advisory committee and gathered input from 80 more stakeholders countywide to develop our Housing Affordability Report, launched in October 2023. While government, development and business, and the nonprofit sector are all tackling housing issues in our county, SBF’s report recommends both cross-sector opportunities and unique ways the philanthropic community can help.
SBF is committed to using the range of tools at our disposal to support the production, protection, and preservation of affordable housing including grantmaking, convening, advocacy, research, and impact investing.
If you are interested in contributing to the solutions, we welcome your partnership and appreciate your support.
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BY JORDAN KILLEBREW The 1921 U.S. Supreme Court case of Block v. Hirsch declared that housing is a “necessity of life.” Yet across our nation, healthy and affordable homes are […]
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