We invite you to help us create the San Marcos Foothills Restoration Endowment Fund, providing annual funding for habitat restoration projects on the land.
To make a tax-deductible contribution to the Foothills Forever Restoration Endowment, a fiscal sponsorship fund at the Santa Barbara Foundation:
Make checks payable to: Santa Barbara Foundation, with Foothills Forever Endowment in the memo line.
Mail to: Santa Barbara Foundation, 1111 Chapala St #200, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
To donate gifts of stock or other assets, please contact the Santa Barbara Foundation staff for further details:
Kristopher Morrison, Senior Investment Officer, (805) 880-9380, kmorrison@sbfoundation.org
or Jessica Sanchez, Director of Donor Relations, (805) 880-9366, jsanchez@sbfoundation.org