
Johan needs educational support: Your gifts makes a difference!

Meet Johan

Johan lives with his family in low-income housing in Santa Barbara. The family has been unable to find a place they could afford to live because Johan’s dad could no longer work after being diagnosed with a terminal illness.

When the family moved into a community of People’s Self-Help Housing (PSHH), they were happy to have bedrooms for Johan and his two siblings, a space to care for dad, and a safe, neighborhood to live in. Johan joined Camino Scholars – PSHH’s on-site, after-school program funded by a grant from the Santa Barbara Foundation – when he was in kindergarten.

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Unfortunately, his dad passed away last year, but Johan and his family received loving support and wrap-around services from PSHH, including help from social workers and Camino Scholars educators.

In fact, Johan just received an award for “Most Improved Student” in his third-grade class at school! Johan’s mom said, “I don’t think I would have been able to survive after my husband passed if it wasn’t for all the amazing support we received from PSHH!”

Your gifts makes stories like Johan’s possible. Donate now to support these initiatives.