Celebrate Philanthropy

We congratulate the 2024 Celebrate Philanthropy Honorees!

About Celebrate Philanthropy

Celebrate Philanthropy honors individuals, couples or families who, through direct service or financial support, have demonstrated outstanding civic and charitable work in the Santa Maria Valley.

Philanthropy means literally “love of mankind.” Few communities embody the true spirit of philanthropy quite like Santa Maria Valley. Whether giving time, talent, or treasure, many of our residents go above and beyond to help others and to strengthen our community. Celebrate Philanthropy was created not only to honor these outstanding role models, but also to share their stories and inspire others. Each year an independent committee representing diverse Santa Maria Valley community members comes together to select individuals, couples or families who, through direct service or financial support, have demonstrated outstanding civic and charitable work in the Santa Maria Valley. Recipients are selected from a wide range of candidates who have been nominated by community members.



Former Honorees

Diane Adam | George & Deborah Adam | Henri & Jeanie Ardantz | Stu & Jan Bartleson | Dan & Peggy Blough | Jim Bray | Mike & Linda Cordero | Amy Curti | Maggi Daane | Ronnie, Laura, Faith DeBrum and Landon Brown | Georganne Ferini | Patrick & Jeri Ferini | Greg & Donna France | Judy & Erik Frost | Mike Gibson | Agnes Grogan | Marylinn Green | Nancy K. Johnson | Mario A. Juarez, Esq. | Royce & Ann Lewellen | Delores & Jerry Luis | Tom & Mary Jane Martinez | Clarence & Rosalie Minetti | Tim Murphy |  Ed & Lisa Murray | Ron & Mary Nanning | Joe & Jean Olivera | Frank & Scottie Ortiz | Gayle Pratt | Dennis & Franziska Shepard | Dorothy & Mark Smith | Sue J. Sword | Anne & Jay Will | John F. Will | Edwin & Jeanne Woods

Learn more about past honorees here.



Community Bank of Santa Maria

To become a sponsor of Celebrate Philanthropy Awards please contact Kevin Kuga at KKuga@SBFoundation.org.