Salud Santa Barbara

Autism has been increasing and is now present in nearly 3 of every 100 children. Clinical trials have shown that 70% of autistic children have an insufficient vitamin B9 that reaches their brain, and when given a natural folate, most of these children have improvement in their communication. A blood test for the biomarker can detect low brain folate levels, and a prescription dose for the vitamin. Salud Santa Barbara seeks to support physicians and families about autism, providing information to both so that families can get the blood test and vitamin treatment needed.

While this test and treatment is available, it is not widely known outside the medical research community & specialty physicians. Salud Santa Barbara is established to raise awareness to empowers families and physicians, allowing them to make informed decisions that are best for their children’s health outcomes. Salud Santa Barbara also helps support the blood test cost for Santa Barbara families with MediCal.

Who We Are

Salud Santa Barbara supports Santa Barbara County families with autistic children and their care providers, promoting the importance of nutrition in mental health and improving outcomes with proven strategies for those on the autism spectrum.


Salud Santa Barbara works with our community to:

· Increase awareness and give access to resources about the connection between nutrition, specifically folate, and mental health, particularly autism.

· Support healthcare professionals in their effort to educate families about the relationship between nutrition and mental health.

· Support families in accessing the resources they need to care for their autistic children by raising funds to cover testing and related medical costs.


Salud Santa Barbara’s vision is to make a tangible difference for families with autistic children.


Donations will be used for the following:

· Costs for blood test kits

· General operational costs