CalNonprofits Webinar – Returning to the Workplace: Legal Do’s and Don’ts for Nonprofits

Virtual Event

Description In this time of turmoil and difficult decisions, we are partnering with Public Counsel to bring you a series of four webinars to help you decide how to move forward on key legal issues nonprofits are facing because of COVID-19. You'll learn: Best practices for returning to work Risk mitigation to help keep employees safe Physical […]


Nonprofit Relief: Opportunities in the American Rescue Plan

Virtual Event

Featuring Chitra Aiyar, Senior Advisor, BDO FMA Over the past year, many nonprofits suffered financially and had to make significant operational changes due to COVID-19. With complex and frequently changing regulations, social sector leadership may not be aware of the assistance available to their organizations through the American Rescue Plan. Join the Institute for Nonprofit […]
