How Nonprofits Can Access Stimulus Funds

REGISTER NOW Clare Briglio, Communications and Business Disruption Resources Director for the Economic Development Collaborative, will be sharing on local, state and federal benefits now available under the CARES Act […]

WEV WORKS: Strengthen Your Brand Identity and Visibility During COVID-19

REGISTER NOW For the majority of small business owners, the world in which you operate has changed dramatically. This webinar will address the concepts of branding and pivoting, and how you can redefine and restrategize your online presence in the wake of this current crisis.

WEBINAR: Covid-19 & Nonprofit Employers, What You Need To Know

REGISTER NOW   Wednesday, April 8, 2020 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m A detailed handout will be available to all registered participants Special thanks to VISIONALITY for providing webinar hosting for this event Keeping up with the changing wage and hour laws in California just got harder. One of the most common pitfalls for California employers […]

The Fund for Santa Barbara Webinar: Grassroots Fundraising with Rona Fernandez

REGISTER NOW FREE  |  Space is limited so we can have a group conversation, so please register for one of the times in the form or contact us.  This unprecedented time of uncertainty and physical distancing is putting particular strain on fundraising efforts. Join us to learn and share how groups have weathered past crisis, gather […]

Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts Deadline

The Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts is available for organizations that provide high quality performing arts programs. Grant requests for this round should not exceed $15,000. This opportunity is available in the spring and fall. Click here to learn more.  Download the Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts Application Spring Application Deadline Extended: April 10, […]

SoCal Grantmakers: The Webinar on Webinars for Funders + Nonprofits and Community Leaders

REGISTER NOW In partnership with Andy Goodman of The Goodman Center, Philanthropy California invites you to participate in the upcoming webinar focused on learning the essentials of hosting a good webinar. During this virtual convening, Andy Goodman will discuss: How to keep participants engaged The fine details of creating a good online experience How to […]

Prevent Connect Webinar: Preventing violence in our homes

REGISTER NOW Preventing violence in our homes: Meeting this moment with connection, care, and justice Children, youth, and families are experiencing intensified stresses and new traumas as our country and the entire world work to contain the novel coronavirus and save lives. With more and more families experiencing unemployment, housing insecurity, and hunger—and many people […]