The State of Nonprofits in Santa Barbara County

Click here to read the executive summary!

This report offers a comprehensive overview of the nonprofit industry in Santa Barbara County. Despite facing various disruptions such as recovery from the global pandemic and economic inflation, the report’s findings offer valuable guidance for stakeholders such as funders, practitioners, and government agencies to work together towards bolstering the sector. Furthermore, the data presented in this report can serve as a crucial resource for future and longitudinal studies on the nonprofit industry in Santa Barbara County.

Our hope is that this report will foster greater awareness and understanding, lead to increased investments in the nonprofit sector, help organizations improve their leadership and management abilities, and lift up key areas that require further investigation.

Santa Barbara Foundation would like to acknowledge the researchers at The Center for Evaluation & Assessment at UCSB as well as the many nonprofit professionals who took the time to provide valuable information on the state of their organizations.

If you have any questions and/or feedback about this report, please contact Gary Clark, Director of the Collaboration for Social Impact,

Click here to download the full State of Nonprofit Reports in Santa Barbara County.

Click here to watch a webinar on The State of the Nonprofit sector with Tarek Azzam and Natalie Jones from the UCSB Center for Evaluation & Assessment, Miley Skover from the Nonprofit Resource Network, and Gary Clark, Santa Barbara Foundation’s Director of the Collaboration for Social Impact.