Shelter & Safety

Safe, Stable Shelter for All our Neighbors

In Santa Barbara County, too many families are unable to afford safe and stable housing and every year more people fall into homelessness. As of January 2024, there are an estimated 2,119 people experiencing homelessness in the County, which represents a 12% increase from the previous year. Conservative estimates suggest that 31 of those individuals are unaccompanied children and 125 families have young children. 

The Santa Barbra Foundation recognizes that stable shelter and personal safety are inextricably linked. Lack of access to stable housing keeps people in cycles of violence or puts them at risk of exploitation including domestic violence and human trafficking. This is especially true for youth who have experienced the foster care system. Recognizing this, the foundation considers both shelter and safety in our multi-year grant program that provides general operating support to organizations working in these areas. 

Our community’s wellness is deeply tied to ensuring that everyone is safe and has a place to call home. By investing in these programs, the Santa Barbara Foundation is working to strengthen our entire community, fostering a more compassionate, resilient environment where we all can thrive. 

Taking Action

The Santa Barbara Foundation believes an essential measure of the empathy of a community is how it treats its most vulnerable residents. Therefore, we have redoubled our efforts to work with those on the frontlines of the problem of homelessness to strengthen programs and resources.

If you are interested in contributing to the solutions, we welcome your partnership and appreciate your support.

Make a Gift Shelter & Safety Community Grant Program


Contact our team to help you with your specific needs.