Coffee & Conversations

Coffee and Conversations is a new monthly virtual event held exclusively for SBF donors and fundholders to learn about an area of our work. Join the conversation to learn how […]

The Fund for Santa Barbara Webinar: GRANTED! The Architecture of Grant Seeking for Progressive Social Change (Part 3)

RESISTER NOW. Tuesdays 10AM - 12PM July 28  |  Session 1: Foundational Principles August 4  |  Session 2: Proposal Design: Who, What, Why, and When? August 11  |  Session 3: How Do You Know You’re Making a Difference? FREE LINK TO THIS PAGE: DESCRIPTION This three-part workshop is intended for grassroots and social change […]

CalNonprofits Webinar: Election Engagement the Right Way

August 27 at 11 AM FREE for Members / $39 for not-yet-members Register now! Learn what nonprofits can and can’t do to help register new voters, provide public education about elections, engage candidates, and still stay safely within the limits allowed for tax-exempt organizations. Register for this  webinar or all four webinars here.  


CalNonprofits Webinar: Sec. of State Talks Voter Engagement and the 2020 Election

RESISTER NOW. We know that when nonprofits talk to their communities about voting, more people vote. But so much about the mechanics of our upcoming election have changed in the last few months – if you don't know what to tell people, you're not alone! Voter engagement is a powerful way for nonprofits to stand […]

Center for Nonprofit Leadership Webinar: Pitching in this Reality

How do you research and connect with potential major donors for your organization during a time when the most contact you’re having is with your computer screen? Pitches towards major donors require careful prospecting and intentional connection, so how do you do this during a time of distance? We will briefly explore how to identify […]

$25 – $35

Light Gabler Webinar: The Top Ten (or Twenty) Questions on the Most Common Employee Issues During COVID-19

REGISTER NOW With the status of COVID-19 changing on a near-daily basis and the state's stop-and-go reopening process, employers are faced with unique employment law challenges related to safety complaints, reluctant or unwilling employees, mask-wearing debates, accommodation of medical and personal issues, and the ongoing impact of FFCRA benefits for illness and child care unavailability. […]

Center for Nonprofit Learning Webinar: Virtual Lunch & Learn

REGISTER NOW Join us for a free virtual Lunch & Learn where Regina Birdsell, CNM's CEO and president along with CNM Strategist Christine Newkirk will share the results of our 2020 Sector Snapshot Summer Update. A lot has changed in the nonprofit landscape and the world since we share the results of our annual sector […]

Group Coaching Sessions: PPP Loan Forgiveness

REGISTER NOW AUGUST 24, 26 or 31 Group Coaching Sessions: PPP Loan Forgiveness In partnership with the Nonprofit Finance Fund, this group coaching session is designed for nonprofit borrowers who successfully secured a PPP loan and plan to seek loan forgiveness. The guidance on how to qualify for loan forgiveness, provided by the Treasury, SBA, […]